Friday 2 October 2009

just getting the hang of this;LONDON TRIP :)

so i went to London on tuesday instead of my trusty sixth form centre :)

my friend Jess has a contract with a recording studio at the moment in time

and is clearly to chicken to catch a bus to London on her own, although i don't blame her at all.

we got lost a total of 2 times, we also had to catch the underground tube to get to the actual recording studio, (SCARY) so right picture this

walking down the tube station (i've never been in one before)

walk onto our platform, (platform 1)

K:do you know what train we have to get on?


K:do you know what time it is due in? or how lnog we have to wait?

J:we wont have to wait long cause they pull in all the time

(walk onto actual plat form where tran pulls onto, as we do a train pulls up)

K:is this our train?

J:umm.. im not sure

K:what? i thought you knew what train were getting on?!

J:yeah i do, i just can't remember if its this or not

K:so you don't know what train were getting on?

(walknig along train)


no wait it is this one

K:you sure? lets get on then already

J:yeah im sure

(i jump onto train)


(go to jump off, train door shut halfway on me, PANIC RISES)

(pushh door open)

K:(out of breath) so that WASNT OUR train?

J:(clam again) no it was..

K: your an idiot..

me and jess do not make the most amazing team out there, also

(getting our train ticket, queing up, jess gets her ticket out fine)

(i walk up)

type all the buttons in correct order, but fiver in not machine, goes ok.

go to put additional coins into the machine

doesn't go through..

try again calmly, doesn't go through..

try again, doesn't go through.....!!

start to lose patience, [i'll replace the 'bad' word with the word,.. kitten]

K:for kitten sake..

scratch's money against machine in a madish kinda way

inserts money, at this point i have taken to long, and the machine returns my fiver


J:try using a diffrent pound coin?

K:okay fair enough..

insert a DIFFRENT pound coin, REJECTED

at this point i madly just grab all of the pound coins i have and shove them in angrily one after anouther, REJECT, REJECT, REJECT, REJECT

K: FOR KITTEN SAKE!!! >_< (a small scream escaped from me by now and frantic waves from my hand start to appear)

Jess is too busy wetting herself laughing to offer any other kind of help to this deliema, the guy stood behind us in the que is sat there giving me a odd look, and even steps back slightly..

at this point i give up and give my purse to jess, and on FIRST try, the stupid bloody machine accepts the pound coin from my purse.

bloody london ticket machines...

i lack patience :) but i love london<3

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